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Moto Guzzi V7 Custom Kits
The birth of the V7 II marks a significant turning point in the Moto Guzzi accessories range. In fact, the "Eagle Brand" introduces a wide range of accessories dedicated to the "V7 family" on the market. In fact, simultaneously with the Moto Guzzi V7 II commercial launch more than 60 brand new accessories will be available to allow a totally unique level of personalization. In addition to the vehicle accessories line, which will now be in excess of 90 different items with these important new products, from the beginning of 2015 there will also be brand new helmets as well as technical and lifestyle apparel to complete a 100% 'Made in Guzzi' style.
Another extremely important aspect was the design and development of each part in order to guarantee and maintain the vehicle's original functional characteristics, obtaining a personalised and entirely original vehicle which is at the same time perfectly compatible with the basic version.
To facilitate the orientation and the choice of the most impassioned V7 customers, four new "reference worlds" were identified, in other words, four kits within which each Guzzista will be able to find his or her own personal taste and customisation formula whilst still leaving a vast range of possibilities for creating their own tailor-made V7, choosing from within the entire range.
An accessories kit designed to create a “Gothic” look inspired by nocturnal and metropolitan settings. The inspiration is nevertheless also based on Guzzi and its heritage: simply think of the nickname associated with Omobono Tenni, legendary rider for the Mandello manufacturer in the '30s, known as "the black devil". The dedicated accessories include items such as the black aluminium top fairing, the aluminium side fairings, the aluminium mudguards, the black fuel tank with the traditional red Moto Guzzi eagle and the spoked wheel rims that provide a total "black" look which is at the same time refined and modern.
This is the kit that transforms your Moto Guzzi V7 II into a bike that is perfectly suited for use on the road, but with an offroad look and a strong personality. 18 accessories to give your V7 a completely different image and profile. Chromium aluminium is replaced by a "satin finish" aluminium with exclusive and high quality details. The long satin finish mudguards, the satin finish number plates and the satin finish guards constitute the first step closer to the "scrambler" world. The high two-in-one exhaust, the knobby offroad tyres, the handlebar cross brace, the offroad footpegs and the long '70s style vintage saddle are the core elements that complete the V7's transformation to the scrambler version. An extra touch of personality thanks to the tool bag and the handmade leather side panniers.
Another immersion into Guzzi history interpreted in a modern key. In the '40s the Moto Guzzi Alce, a bike used by the Italian Army, was characterised by its reliability, sturdiness and great flexibility. The configuration that can be achieved with the Legend components allows you to reinterpret that fascinating legend. A dark satin finish high "two-in-one" silencer, knobby tyres and olive green fuel tank, side fairings and mudguard provide strong and unique connotations to the bike's look. The high handlebar cross brace, the black luggage rack, the long saddle (comfortable for 2 people) and the natural leather side bag complete and enhance this configuration which stems more than any other from the Moto Guzzi heritage.
accessories developed and made to recreate the Café Racer world that attracts so much attention on the global motorcycling scene. In fact, the leitmotiv of the project is to enhance the '70s era through the creation of polished aluminium accessories (mudguards, injector covers, guards, number plates) and accessories such as the low handlebar and the single-seat saddle that convey an attractive riding set-up derived directly from the racing world. Some of the exclusive accessories are the exclusive handlebar mirrors with a vintage design reinterpreted in a modern and current key.
Already well known since it was launched with the previous V7 model year is the RECORD kit formula: a name that brings to mind the Moto Guzzi V7 prototype that broke 19 speed records in the early '70s. The shape of the components in the kit are reminiscent of the aerodynamic solutions which were so typical of the '70s era racer. The kit includes a rounded top fairing that houses the V7's single headlight, characterised by side profiles that connect to the fuel tank area and a saddle that includes the single-seat tail fairing, shaped to form a spoiler at the end. The sporty seating position is made of a special dual-component foamy material which is both fire retardant and waterproof. It has form memory and top shelf technology derived directly from the competition world. The components are made in fibreglass and they comply with approval standards. They are easy to install, thanks to the fixing brackets (for the top fairing) in laser cut, sanded steel. The Record kit is available for both the Stone and the Special with the addition of the semi-handlebar kit.
All of the elements that make up the various configurations will be available for purchase individually in order to further exploit the customer's imagination and creativity. They will be available on the market from January 2015. Another particularly important aspect is that the elements can be used both on the new V7 II which has just been introduced and on the first generation Moto Guzzi V7 which is already on roads all over the world. In fact, the new accessories will allow those who have already owned a Moto Guzzi for a few years to change the look of their bikes, renewing it and thereby entering the world of special bikes easily and simply.
Not only customisation kits, but a vast range of accessories that allow the customer to personalise his or her V7 and make it more compatible with their own aesthetic tastes and needs.
Vanaf november 2014 zijn wij gesloten op maandag
en 's avonds geopend tot 19u00
Vra Motors heeft een uitgebreid assortiment van Moto Guzzi Helmen, Tail bags, tassen, koffers, moto hoezen, windschermen tot kledij.
Bekijk hier de Moto Guzzi 2019 Catalogus in PDF formaat.
Bekijk hier de Moto Guzzi 2018 Catalogus in PDF formaat.
Bekijk hier de Moto Guzzi 2016 Catalogus in PDF formaat.
Bekijk hier de Moto Guzzi 2015 Catalogus in PDF formaat.
Bekijk hier de Moto Guzzi 2014 Catalogus.